Elizabeth Flaherty
We all have those annoying problems around the house we’d like to fix, but we keep putting off for one reason or another. Well, this collection of cheap and simple handy hints may have just the solution you’re looking for.
Touch-Up Paint Saver
When painting walls or trim, put leftover paint in a mason jar for inevitable touch ups. A well-sealed jar keeps the paint usable longer than the can, and it’s easier to store. Label the jar with the room the paint was used in. Use these pro-recommended painting products for your next DIY project.

Super-Secure Garbage Bags
Trash bags and waste bins should work perfectly together, but that’s rarely the case. As trash bags start to fill up, the bag slithers into the bin and you have to dig it out. To keep handled or drawstring trash bags in place, all you need are two medium or large self-adhesive command hooks. Position the hooks at a location that allows full use of the bin.

DIY Drip Waterer
Here’s an easy way to turn any hose into a drip-watering hose. Drill 1/8 in. holes every 2 in. and screw a cap at the end. Weave the hose around your plants and turn on the spigot. You’ll have to do some testing to figure out the right setting. To make watering even easier, you can add a programmable faucet timer to the hose.

Say Goodbye to Wrinkles
Ditch the time-consuming iron or handheld steamer to get wrinkles out of a shirt or slacks. Throw a few ice cubes or a wet washcloth in the dryer with your wrinkled clothes. As the ice melts and the water turns to steam, it will remove the wrinkles. This trick isn’t as effective with heavier clothing but works great for lighter fabrics. The best part is that you don’t have to set the dryer for longer than 10 minutes for it to work.

Tape Measure Notepad
If you never seem to have a notepad when you need to jot down a measurement to remember, turn a tape measure into a notepad. Just remove the label and residue and then rough up the face with 250-grit sandpaper. Using a pencil, the sanded surface is easy to both write on and erase.

Direct Watering Bottle
For healthy plants, it’s important to get water to the roots. Here’s a good method: Drill holes in water bottles and bury them alongside plants, leaving just the cap above the ground. To water the plants, unscrew the bottles’ caps, fill the bottles and screw the caps back on. It requires some extra effort, but it conserves water, and your plants especially the tomatoes — will thrive like never before.

Pool Noodle Water Hose
If you need to fill up a bucket that won’t fit under your sink faucet, bust out a pool noodle. Set the bucket on the floor, slip the pool noodle over the faucet and run it down to the bucket.

Lid Corral
Tired of having a messy and unorganized food storage container drawer? Simply put tension rods in a drawer to keep storage lids from taking over. Just secure the tension rod toward the front of your drawer to keep them manageable. Problem solved! Is something always falling on your head when you open up those kitchen cabinets?

Remove Hard-Water Buildup with a Lemon
To get rid of hard-water buildup on a faucet, try this natural solution: Cut a fresh lemon in half. With one of the halves, use your thumbs to gently open up the center. Then press the lemon onto the end of the faucet. Put a small plastic bag around the lemon and secure it around the faucet with a rubber band. Be sure that the rubber band it cinched tightly and that the lemon is around the end of the faucet. Leave the lemon in place for a few hours to allow the citric acid to work its magic.
After you remove the lemon, you may need to use a gentle scrubbing pad to wash off any loosened hard-water buildup. Then wipe the faucet with a damp cloth to remove any leftover lemon juice, and your faucet will be squeaky clean — and you didn’t need to use harsh chemicals!

Wrapping Paper Clips
Having to trim ripped up wrapping paper is wasteful and a hassle. So, keep it from getting torn in the first place with a well-placed binder clip on either end. It’ll be ready to go for next time.

Easy Way to Disinfect LEGOs and Other Toys
Children’s toys are a breeding ground for germs. A dishwasher makes quick work of disinfecting toys that are washable, like LEGOs. To quickly clean LEGOs:
- Drop the LEGOs in a laundry bag to keep them contained.
- Run your dishwasher as usual.
- But, remove the LEGOs before the drying cycle, letting them air dry completely on a towel.
This method also works well for other treasures like seashells, dish brushes, rags and sponges.

Wine Cork Wobbly Table Fix
Have a table with a wobbly leg? Using a synthetic wine bottle cork (natural cork crumbles over time), mark the amount of space between the wobbly leg and the floor. Then use a utility knife to slice off the amount of cork needed to brace the leg. Use hot glue to adhere the piece of cork in place.

Renew Your Furniture in Minutes
If you have furniture covered in stickers, try this tip for removing them: peel off all the stickers using a putty knife in combination with hair dryer, to soften the adhesive. Some are harder to remove than others, but you should be able to get them all off in a couple hours.