Living with someone else can oftentimes lead to games of cat and mouse. No matter how long you’ve been married, if both partners have a sense of humor, every day of your lives together can be a total blast. And this is really important for a strong, lasting relationship.
SEE MORE: An Angry Wife To Her Husband On Phone
We’d like to read funny stories from couples who are not ashamed to post them online, and they never fail to cheer us up.
1. “My husband asked me to heat up the croissant because he wanted it very crunchy. I guess I nailed it.”

2. Double standards in all their glory

3. “My wife got the cat food and coffee beans mixed up this morning.”

4. When your significant other has a very specific sense of humor:

5. “I asked my husband to pick up some tampons while he was out and he sent me this photo. I’m scared.”

6. “I turned 40 today. My wife surprised me with one of those online balloon delivery services. I asked her why there were 2 question marks next to ’I love you’ on the card. She replied, ’It was supposed to be hearts.’”

7. When your wife knows how to scare you with a single question:

8.“A friend’s note to her husband this morning”




Tell us the funny stories you have with your husband or wife. Do you have a funny story about married life that you’d like to share with us?