Spoons, grinders, cutting boards, and even wooden spatulas are available on the market, which allows them to work in all types of cooking with diverse uses. However, they can cause problems if they aren’t cleaned with strict care.
Wood contains pores to which food debris and moisture can adhere. Because of this, it’s important to perform a detailed cleaning process to avoid the accumulation of bacteria on any of the surfaces.
Products you can use to clean wooden utensils
Compared to other products used in the kitchen, wooden utensils need a more precise cleaning due to their rusticity. Also, if this maintenance isn’t carried out, the wood can lose quality and look worn.
However, there are effective ways to disinfect wooden utensils and extend their useful life. The following are products that are easily accessible and should be taken into account.
Hot water and soap
This is the simplest method for cleaning wooden utensils on a daily basis. In this process, it’s essential to use water at a fairly high temperature, as it softens hardened food debris.
First of all, you should use a little water to begin to weaken the localized substances. You should then apply and rub the soap with a sponge that goes over the surface until all types of dirt are eliminated. Finally, rinse the utensil again and use a towel that dries well.

Lemon is a very useful product when disinfecting wooden utensils, as it helps to eliminate grease and strong odors.
You should spread the lemon liquid all over the utensil to disinfect it. Then rinse with water and dry with a clean towel that doesn’t damage the wood.
A lemon peel
The citric acid in lemon is the main chemical responsible for its cleaning capabilities.
Sodium bicarbonate
With time, wooden utensils can acquire stains that are usually obtained during the preparation of sauces. However, there’s a specific cleaning method to remove them and preserve the appearance of the utensil.
Baking soda is one of the substances that can be successful in such cases. Spread it on the utensil, add lemon juice and rub with a towel until the stain fades. Finally, rinse with water and hang the utensil to dry.
Vinegar is another product that helps to eliminate unpleasant odors and renew the appearance of the wooden utensil.
The first thing to do is to make a mixture containing vinegar and water in equal amounts. Then you must soak the tool in this liquid solution for up to 20 minutes. As a final step, rinse with water to remove the odor and dry with a good-quality towel.
Oils can be used to counteract the wear and tear of wooden utensils. They help to preserve the color and make them shine.
You can use mineral oil or coconut oil. The process consists of pouring a little of the oily liquid on a clean cloth and applying it all over the utensil. After 10 to 15 minutes, rinse with hot water and dry properly.
What not to do with wooden utensils
A dishwasher shouldn’t be used to sanitize wooden utensils. This is because heat and water interact in the appliance for a long time, which can cause humidity and bacterial proliferation.
In addition, you shouldn’t soak them in water for long periods of time. When this process is done frequently, the liquid can seep into the pores of the wood and accumulate harmful microorganisms.
Besides this, the soaps you use for cleaning should be neutral, since chemical detergents will deteriorate the wood. Also, you should discard the utensil when it has cracks since dirt will always collect in that area.
Under no circumstances should you use a dishwasher for wooden utensils, as this could damage them and encourage the accumulation of bacteria.
Wooden utensils and cleaning must be of high quality
In order for the utensils to have long durability and to extend their useful life through care, it’s essential that they be of good quality. We recommend buying consistent wood elements that can be handled without the risk of fragmentation.
It’s essential to keep in mind that cleaning habits should always be constant and conscientious. This is because any carelessness means that bacteria can be transmitted to the food during cooking, or surfaces could be damaged irreversibly.
You should note that you can sand wooden kitchen utensils, especially the boards, every so often to keep them looking firm and polished.