To keep your fingers from turning green, paint the interior of rings with clear nail polish

How to tuck your non-skinny jeans neatly into boots

To hide your bra straps, stitch a tiny strap in the same color as your blouses or dresses.

Get rid of lint balls on a coat using a pumice stone

Use rubber bands to get more grip and easily open stuck nail polish bottles

Keep your loose zipper up with a key chain ring

Colour code your keys with nail polish to easily distinguish them

Wrap your shoes in a shower cap and keep your clothes clean in your suitcase

Put baking soda pouches in the shoes to get rid of the stinky smell

Paint bobby pins with nail polish to glam them up

Stop pantyhose runs with clear nail polish

Remove red wine stains from clothing with items found around the house

Thread your necklace through a plastic drinking straw to keep the chain from tangling

Stuff pool noodles in your boots to keep them upright

Use a fresh dryer sheet on hair to smoothen out flyaways and control hair static

Hold your bobby pins in a DIY tic tac container

Use baby wipes to remove deodorant stains