Do you know that you can upcycle your shoeboxes?
Shoeboxes actually can be useful, you can use them for storage, toys, or even for art. So without further ado, here is a bunch of ways to upcycle your shoeboxes!
1. Picture Frame
Create this cool project and brighten up your bedroom or any room in your house with this picture frame where you can look at all the amazing people in your life. You can put the frames on a desk, bookshelf, or on your wall. You can even paint the lid of your shoeboxes to make them look good. (Via She Well)
2. Shoebox Storage
Do you have a lot of small stuff but don’t where to put them all? Upcycle your shoeboxes into this cool storage. The materials that you need to make this are shoeboxes, a glue gun, carton boxes, and wrapping papers. You can even customize the color and the row of drawers to your liking. (Via My Crafts)
3. Shoebox Nature Explorer Kit
If your kid is a fan of nature, likes to play outdoor and do a little adventure around your neighborhood, then this fancy nature kit would be their fun accessory for afternoon excursions. (Via Barley and Birch)
4. Ribbon Storage Box
If you’re the crafty type then you have so many ribbons that seem hard to organized. But this cool project will give you a solution where you can organize all your ribbons easily and in a fancy box. What an amazing idea! (Via Honestly WTF)
5. Hanging Shoebox Shelf
You can upcycle your shoebox into this super cute hanging shelf that perfect for tiny toys, books and craft supplies. You can make this an easy and fun project to enjoy with your kids too! (Via Handmade Charlotte)
6. Basket
The materials needed to make this is a shoebox, rope, fabric, glue gun and hot glue sticks. To make this basket you need to cut the flaps off of the box, then wrapping the rope around the box using hot glue until covered 2/3 of the box and attach the fabric to the box. (Via Living Well Mom)
7. Organize Cords and Cables
We’re now live in a world where technology becomes an essential part of our life. So it’s not a strange thing if you have handphones, laptops, a camera, Xbox, and tablets. But having these technologies mean that you have many electronics cable too.
And if you’re finding it hard to organize all of your cables and cords, then this easy system will help you to store all of the cables and make it easy to store and find them. (Via Darkroom & Dearly)
8. Caddy Shoebox
Or you can turn them into this candy and use it either for a party or stationery. (Via Buzzfeed)
9. Shoebox Dollhouse
Make your little girls more creative by making this unique and cute dollhouse from shoeboxes where she can play with her favorite small toys such as barbies or small dolls. (Via Kidspot)
10. Seed Organization Box
If you like gardening and have many collections of seeds, then you knew how overstuffed and messy the seeds can be if you put them all in a box or in a plastic bag.
But with this simple idea, you can organize all of your seeds in one place. And you just need 2 shoe boxes, glue, and labels to create this. So easy! (Via A Piece From Rainbow)
11. Ribbon Organizer

If you’re the crafty type, you may have a lot of ribbons lying around. I know all too well how easily it unspools and becomes a huge mess. This shoebox ribbon organizer is the perfect solution to your ribbon storage challenge.
12. DIY recharge station

The concept for this upcycle project is very similar to the ribbon organizer project. You can turn a shoebox into a handy recharge station. You won’t have to worry about where the right charger is because you’ll have them all neatly organized in one place.
13. DIY earring organizer

Tired of trying to find the missing earring when you’re in a rush in the morning? It can be easy to misplace an earring when they’re all jumbled together in a jewelry box. You can stop the madness by making your own earring organizer from a shoebox. Just poke some holes in the lid, and you have the perfect place to mount your earrings so you can always find the ones you want.
14. Seed organization box

Do you need an easy way to organize your seeds while you wait for spring to roll around? Just make your own seed organization box out of two shoeboxes. It’ll keep everything tidy in one place and you won’t find any more spilled seed packets around (not that I’ve ever experienced that!).