When it comes to shoes, we’re used to paying the big bucks, so naturally, we want them to last as long as possible. Luckily there are great tips for all kinds of shoes to keep them looking as good as new.
Want your fabric shoes to be waterproof? Take some wax or paraffin candle and rub it on the shoes – it will prevent any water from going through the fabric.
Enlarging shoes
Are those fancy shoes you just purchased too tight? Take a cup of water in a ziplock bag, place it in the shoe, and put the shoes in the freezer – the water will turn into ice and push the sides of the shoe apart. Leave them there overnight and they’ll be ready to wear in the morning.

Cleaning fabric shoes
If your shoes are lighter in color, you know how fast they can turn so gray and dirty that even a washing machine can’t help. Pick up an old toothbrush and a little bit of baking soda along with some hydrogen peroxide and water. Dip the brush into the mix and rub it on the shoe. This should take the dirt right off!

Cleaning sneakers
Gym shoes and sneakers not only have fabric on them, but they also have rubber parts. The best thing to clean rubber with, is well, rubber! Take a plain rubber eraser and clean off anything from the rubber parts of your shoe.

Renewing leather shoes
Leather shoes start looking old over time, especially when they get wet. To make them look better, you’ll need to collect some water and vinegar.
Mix the ingredients with equal parts. Spray the mixture on the shoe and gently rub it off with a shoe brush. Repeat if needed.

Keeping boots shapely in storage
Boot storage can be tricky, but you can easily make it through thanks to these simple tricks. If you have boots with soft legs, take a heavy magazine, fold it into a tube and place it in the boot. The magazine will make your boots stay standing upright so the part between the foot and leg won’t crinkle.

If you get your boots wet, don’t just toss them aside because they might lose their shape. Instead, take a couple of empty bottles and fit the boots on them to dry out.

Gym shoes definitely don’t smell like a bouquet of roses. Eliminate the stinky problem by putting tea bags in them overnight and in between gym sessions.

Keeping leather shiny
To keep your leather shoes looking shiny and new, simply use a banana peel! Rub the peel onto the leather and wipe the leftover banana residue with a soft paper napkin.

Getting rid of shoe scratches
Do your gorgeous party shoes have some black scratches on them from knocking into each other? There is a solution. You’ll need:
- Nail polish remover
- Q-tips
Wet the q-tips slightly with nail polish remover, then while pressing gently, remove black scratches from your favorite shoes.
Sweat prevention
Dealing with sweaty feet is real problem for those of us living in warm countries and also during hot summers. So, to prevent your feet from sweating profusely and smelling bad afterwards, try putting female sanitary pads in them.

Pavement grab
It’s the most annoying thing wearing perfect new shoes but they’re so slippery, you can’t go out in them. You have several choices here – you can either file down the first layer of the bottom of the shoe, or if that didn’t help, grab a glue gun and make some patterns. Let it dry before wearing.

Packing up your footwear
If you need to pack up fast and you don’t have enough time to clean up your spare shoes beforehand, simply put them in a shower cap. This will keep your clothing clean and shoes packed nice and tight.

Gum problem
If you had the misfortune of stepping onto a piece of chewing gum, don’t try to scratch it off right away. Find a piece of ice and put it directly on the gum. It will make the gum harder so you’ll be able to take it off more easily.

Soak in warm water with denture tabs
Use denture tabs to soak shoes in warm water or make your own detoxifier. There is a great success in making a paste of baking soda, water & hydrogen peroxide. Let it sit for 4 hours. Shake off once hardened and they are done.
Don’t use bleach on canvas
Avoid using harsh cleaners as they will turn the white yellow over time. Definitely, white leather sneakers should not be in the washer or dryer. Simple maintenance can really help keep your shoes white. When your sneakers are past the point of being cleaned white, there are some specific products for coloring your white sneakers.

Use shoe protector after every cleaning
It’s always easier to clean new stains and dirt than older seeped-in stains. Protect your shoes right out of the box. You should use one that repeals liquids and matches your shoes’ material. If you clean frequently to ensure dirt and stains don’t build up. To freshen up the shoes if the material is white leather – use white toothpaste with warm water. Using an old toothbrush brush away any dirt or stains. The same thing applies – don’t scrub it will push it in deeper.

Keep the scent fresh
One tip to clean the rubber sole of your shoe is to use nail polish remover. Use a steamer to help aerate away unpleasant smells on the inside of your shoe. The same tip with laces – Pull them out. Soak in the mixture. Dried used tea bags also work effectively.

Rejuvenate the leather
Leather breathes and you can help your leather shoes breathe even better by rejuvenating them with a shoe cream. However, apply the shoe cream on dry shoes using a brush or soft cloth and let the cream settle in perfectly by leaving your shoes overnight before wearing them.

Hydrogen peroxide and baking soda to make your shoes bright again
Everyone enjoys flaunting a new pair of shiny bright sneakers but what many don’t is that even your old shoes can be as bright as a new pair. Just use a toothbrush dipped in a paste of hydrogen peroxide and baking soda and slowly scrub the paste all over the shoe and see the magic paste work wonders. You’ll have a shiny pair of sneakers that you can flaunt as a new pair of sneakers.

Sodium bicarbonate