The average American family does around 300 loads of laundry every year, and the cost of laundry products can really add up. By making some laundry products yourself—including detergent pods, fabric softener, and more—you’ll save money and avoid last-minute trips to the store when you run out of detergent. Plus, you’ll have the satisfaction of knowing exactly which ingredients are being used to wash your laundry.
DIY Powdered Laundry Detergent
Making powdered laundry detergent is very simple and will cost you around 30 cents per load. Plus, homemade laundry detergent is safe to use in both standard and high-efficiency washers because the formula is low-sudsing.
What You Need
- 1 5.5-ounce bar of pure soap or 1 cup of soap flakes
- 1 cup baking soda
- 1 cup washing soda (sodium carbonate)
- 1/2 cup borax
- Cheese grater
- Measuring cup
- Resealable container
Grate the Soap
Using a regular cheese grater, grate the bar of pure soap (or use 1 cup of soap flakes).
Combine the Ingredients
In a large, resealable container, combine the soap flakes, baking soda, washing soda, and borax. Mix the ingredients well. Washing soda (sodium hydroxide) is caustic to the skin, so wear rubber gloves.
Use as Directed
Keep the detergent in the container dry. Use 1/2 cup of the mixture per load of laundry in a standard top-load washer. Use only 2 tablespoons in a high-efficiency top- or front-load washer.
- If you can’t find washing soda, you can make your own washing soda from baking soda.
- This detergent recipe can be easily doubled. Store a large batch in an airtight container, and transfer small amounts to a decorative canister to keep handy near the washer.
- To boost the cleaning power of your homemade detergent, you can slightly increase the amount of borax in the formul

DIY Liquid Laundry Detergent
If you have extremely cold water, liquid laundry detergent is a better choice because powders can sometimes be difficult to dissolve. This formula is particularly good for anyone with sensitive skin because it contains no irritating dyes or fragrances.
What You Need
- 1 5.5-ounce bar of pure soap or 1 cup of soap flakes
- 4 cups water
- 1 cup baking soda
- 1 cup washing soda (sodium carbonate)
- 1/2 cup borax
- Cheese grater
- Measuring cup
- Saucepan
- Resealable 3-gallon container
Grate the Soap
Using a regular cheese grater, grate the bar of pure soap (or use 1 cup of soap flakes).
Melt the Soap
Add the grated soap to a large saucepan with the water. Stir continually over medium-low heat until the soap dissolves and is melted.
Combine the Ingredients
In a large, resealable container, combine the melted soap flakes, baking soda, washing soda, borax, and hot water. Washing soda is caustic to the skin, so you should wear rubber gloves.
Allow the Detergent to Thicken
Stir the detergent mixture until everything is dissolved. Cover and allow it to sit overnight to thicken.
Use as Directed
Use 2 tablespoons of your homemade liquid detergent per load. This is appropriate for both high-efficiency washers and standard top-load washers. Shake well before each use.
- A glass beverage dispenser, such as those used for iced tea or lemonade, makes a decorative container for your liquid detergent. It is easy to dispense and refill.

DIY Single-Dose Laundry Detergent Pods
The single-dose laundry detergent format—whether a tablet, pod, or pack—is a simple and efficient way to prevent overuse of detergent. This saves money, protects clothes from excessive wear, and can even keep high-efficiency washers from breaking down due to excess suds. One of the downsides of single-dose pods from big-name manufacturers is the high cost, but you can make your own for less.
What You Need
- 1 1/2 cups washing soda to soften water
- 1/2 cup pure soap flakes for stain removal
- 2 tablespoons epsom salt for fabric softening
- 3 tablespoons hydrogen peroxide (3.5 percent pharmaceutical grade) for whitening and brightening fabrics
- 1/4 cup distilled white vinegar for odor reduction
- 15 to 20 drops essential oil for fragrance (optional)
- Mixing bowl (glass or plastic)
- Hand grater
- Sheet pan or cookie sheet
- Waxed paper or parchment paper
- Measuring spoons
Grate the Soap
Using the hand grater, grate a bar of pure soap until you have 1/2 cup of grated soap. You can also purchase soap flakes if you don’t want to use the grater.
Combine the Dry Ingredients
Pour the soap flakes into the mixing bowl. Add the washing soda and Epsom salts next. Stir these ingredients together until blended.
Add the Wet Ingredients
Add the hydrogen peroxide, vinegar, and essential oil (if you’re using it). After you have added the wet ingredients, your mixture should look like wet sand.
Shape Into Pods
Use a measuring spoon to shape the mixture into individual pods. Each pod should be 1 heaping tablespoon. Pack the measuring spoon well, and then place the pod on a waxed paper- or parchment paper-lined cookie sheet. Spritz the pods with a bit of plain water to set the shape, and allow them to dry overnight. This recipe will make around 24 single-dose pods.
Store the Pods
Once the pods are completely dry (this could take longer than overnight if you live in a humid environment), store them in an airtight container.