Although we believe that household cleaners are safe, the majority of all-purpose cleaning products are potentially toxic and can harm our health. Fortunately, you can easily replace them with safer, more environmentally friendly alternatives that actually work.
You can use bananas to make a trap for fruit flies. Put an old banana and some dish soap inside of a jar. Then roll a sheet of paper into a funnel shape and tape it so that it maintains the structure and add it to the opening of the jar. The sweet smell of the banana will attract the flies and the funnel and soap will make it hard for them to get back out of the jar.

Soda water
This popular beverage is an excellent natural cleaner. Splash it on your bathroom mirror, then wipe it clean with a sponge. You can also use it to clean your jewelry, your counter, and to remove stains from your clothes.

If you have difficult-to-clean irregularly shaped bottles or vases, rice can be an excellent scrubbing agent. To clean the hard-to-reach areas, use raw, uncooked rice and a little soapy water. Simply pour this mixture into a vase and swirl it around.

Potato peels
The easiest way to clean your fireplace is to burn some potato peels in it. Let the peels dry for up to 48 hours because damp peels will not work for this cleaning method. Spread the potato peels on a baking sheet to keep them flat. As they burn, they’ll push burnt wood residue out of your chimney.

To clean the microwave, use a mixture of lemon juice, peels, and water. Set an uncovered bowl inside and cook for 3 minutes on high. Close the door for a while to prevent the steam from the water from escaping. Finally, wipe down the microwave with a clean towel.

One large grapefruit and some rock salt serve as eco-friendly tools that can make your tub look like new. Cut grapefruit in half and sprinkle its top with salt. Wet your bathtub, sprinkle the remaining salt around the bottom, and scrub the grapefruit around the tub.

A tasty dip for fries can make your copper-bottomed pots look gleaming and new. Slather some ketchup on the pots, let it sit for a few minutes, then wipe and rinse. The same procedure can be used to clean stainless steel.

Using onions is an easy way to clean your grill without any chemicals. Place a halved onion on a grilling fork and rub it against the grate. This will easily remove grime and grit without much effort.

Hardwood floors can be cleaned and shined with black tea. Fill your mop bucket halfway with tea and set it aside to cool. The tannic acid in the tea will aid in the cleaning of hardwood floors, but it should not be used to mop laminate floors.