Owning a home involves work. You know there are home maintenance tasks to keep up on, but are you doing these tasks correctly or as often as you should?
You’ll Mow Less if You Cut the Grass Short
If mowing isn’t your favorite home maintenance task, you may be tempted to cut the grass short so you don’t have to mow as often. However, The Lawn Institute reports, “Cutting your lawn too short creates an environment for both weed and disease infestation. It also causes the lawn to lose moisture much quicker.” Instead, follow the one-third rule: “Select a mowing height appropriate for the turf grass species in your lawn. Then set your mower blade height so you cut off no more than the top third of the grass plant. This will encourage stronger roots.”
Save Energy by Turning the Air Conditioner Off When You’re Not Home
You may think you’re saving on energy costs if you turn your air conditioner off when you leave the house in the morning, but this isn’t the best way to save money. “The problem here is that when you come back home and turn your system back on, your AC unit will have to work overtime to cool your house back down, negating any energy savings you’ve accrued,” according to National Property Inspectors. Instead, just adjust your thermostat 5 to 10 degrees warmer when you leave home. Check out these other summer hacks keep your home cool without AC
Gutters Only Need to be Cleaned in the Fall
If you think you only need to clean your gutters in the fall, think again. Gutters can get clogged with debris that prevents them from directing the flow of rainwater away from your home any time of year, resulting in damage to your home’s interior and exterior.
More Insulation is Better
Adding insulation is a home maintenance task many homeowners will have to tackle at some point. However, more isn’t always better. “While you want enough insulation to prevent heat escaping into the attic, going overboard can actually cause problems,” according to National Property Inspectors. “For instance, overloading your attic with insulation can cause the lower layers to compress, which diminishes its effectiveness. You can also end up blocking your eave or soffit ventilation, leading to heat or moisture buildup and mold problems.”

The Test Button is the Best Way to Check Your Smoke Alarm
By pressing the test button on your home’s smoke alarm, what you’re really doing is testing whether the sound is functioning properly, according to Security First Insurance. Instead, to properly test your smoke alarm, place a newly burned-out match under the device. The smoke should cause the alarm to sound. Experts suggest you test your smoke alarm at least once in the spring and once in the fall.
If Your Carpet Feels Dry, It’s Safe
The bad news is, even if your carpet feels dry after having a water incident, that doesn’t mean it’s completely dry. “That’s because standing water can seep beyond the carpet and underlay, and into the subfloor,” according to People’s Trust Insurance Company. “Mold can grow in wood and concrete subfloor environments, and letting it linger can lead to serious and expensive issues.” Learn Easy DIY Home Hacks That Will Improve Your Life
The Bathroom Exhaust Fan is Maintenance-Free
If cleaning out the bathroom exhaust fan isn’t one of your regular home maintenance tasks, you better add it to the list. First Quality Roofing and Insulation notes mold and mildew can form in the fan. In addition, dust will build up over time and cover the motor, so make sure to clean and vacuum the fan cover and mechanical parts every six to 12 months. Do you know the Things That Should Not Be Stored in the Bathroom
You Only Need to Replace Furnace Filters Once a Season
You may think you can save money on furnace filters by replacing them just once a season, but actually your filter should be replaced more often. “If you live in a dry, dusty environment, chances are you’ll need to replace them about once a month. If you live in an area that’s more humid and features lush landscaping, you’ll be able to get away with replacement every three months or so,” according to National Property Inspectors.
Tip: If you can’t see a light shining through your furnace filter, it’s time to replace it.
Your Dishwasher Cleans Itself
It may seem like since your dishwasher cleans all your dishes it is self-cleaning, but that isn’t the case. To keep it running well and smelling fresh, you should periodically clean the dishwasher. Remove any debris from the tub and filter to make sure it drains properly. Then, place a couple cups of vinegar in a clean bowl near the center of the bottom rack and run the dishwasher on a normal cycle without detergent.
It Doesn’t Matter What Time of Day You Add Chemicals to your Pool
If one of your home maintenance tasks is taking care of a pool, be sure to add chemicals after the sun goes down. That’s because adding chemicals when the sun is strongest can result in UV rays reducing the effectiveness of certain chemicals, especially chlorine, according to Security First Insurance.
source: familyhandyman