There’s no need to dispose of an expired car freshener. You may simply re-create the scent by adding a few drops of essential oil. It can be any new smell you want it to be each time. A low-cost, clever, and environmentally responsible approach.
“To improve the taste of instant coffee and make it less bitter, shake or stir it, then discard the resulting foam.”

“Stop smelly onions! Simple tip, place a paper towel under the cut end. Absorbs all the odor!”

Smelly shoes
If you have bad-smelling shoes, place a few dry tea bags inside each shoe to absorb the smell. If your shoes are not just smelly but also wet, fill them with a mixture of rice and baking soda and leave for a few days.

Unclog drains easily
Run hot water down the drain for a minute, and then sprinkle 1 cup of baking soda down the drain. Slowly pour 1 cup of vinegar down the drain. Flush one more time with hot or boiling water.

Clean the shower head
To clean your shower head or bathroom faucets, fill a plastic bag with white vinegar and secure it to the shower head with a rubber band. Allow it to soak in the vinegar overnight, and remove the bag. It will be as good as new!

Wooden spoon trick
This old trick never fails. To keep your pot from boiling over, put a wooden spoon over the top of it. If it starts to boil up too high, the spoon will pop the bubbles and keep it from overflowing quickly.

“Use pet nail clippers if a cat got dreads. Perfect size and virtually no risk of accidentally cutting their skin.”

“Use a whisk to easily remove a hard-boiled egg in case you don’t have a slotted spoon.”

“Wrap tinfoil around a candle to re-level a candle that has burnt unevenly.”

“Use plastic wrap under caps to reseal seasonings that solidify over time.”

Grow roses from cuttings
Here’s a great tip for growing roses from cuttings. Before planting, push the bottom ends of the cuttings into small potatoes. Moisture and nutrients in the potatoes will allow the cuttings to develop healthy roots

Time-marked water bottle
Here’s a great way to keep track of your daily water intake. Draw lines on your water bottle with a marker pen, and then write the time beside the marked level. The marking will serve as a visual reminder for you to drink water, and it will help you achieve your daily water intake requirement.