Some things we do seem right because we’re used to doing them this way. But such typical behavior in the kitchen prevents us from discovering our culinary talents or even puts off the desire to cook altogether.
Don’t keep milk in the fridge door
The fridge door seems to be a perfect place to store dairy, but, in fact, it has a slightly higher temperature. Besides, opening the door leads to temperature jumps, shortening the shelf life of milk.
Take note of which vegetables should not be stored in the fridge
Many people still keep all of their fruits and vegetables in the fridge to keep them fresher for longer. That, however, is a mistake: potatoes, tomatoes, bananas, and apples are best stored outside of the refrigerator.
Low temperatures cause potatoes to become overly sweet, while the rest of the above secrete ethylene, which accelerates ripening and rotting.
Defrost meat in the fridge
Meat should be defrosted in advance. Put it in a suitable bowl, and leave it in the fridge until it’s defrosted. Do not leave the meat in water or, especially, run it under hot water as this spoils the appearance and taste.
Do not use a blender to make mashed potatoes
A blender turns the mash into something viscous and sticky, rather than light and airy. Use a simple masher to keep the potatoes appealing to the eye and delicious to eat.
Stir pasta when boiling it
It’s no secret that any pasta should be put into boiling water. But not everyone knows you should stir it in the first minutes for the pasta not to stick together or to the bottom of the pan.
Don’t open the oven while baking
By opening the oven, you decrease its temperature, and your pie or bread caves in.
If you want to check on your pastry, turn on the light inside the oven. Only open it a few minutes before everything’s cooked, when the dough has puffed already.
Cook fried eggs in the microwave
Making fried eggs is easy, but it can become even simpler if you cook them in the microwave. Just make a small puncture with a knife or a needle in the egg yolk to let it cook from the inside as well as the outside. Then put the eggs in the microwave for 45 seconds. Your perfect fry is ready.

Whip egg whites while warm
For a perfect texture of the base for cream or meringues, use egg whites at room temperature: they’ll whip better this way. It’s also important to separate them from the yolks correctly.

Cook a crunchy-base pizza
If you’re cooking pizza at home and want to get a golden crunchy crust, you should take some steps beforehand.
The first option: put the dough in the oven for 2-3 minutes before placing the condiments on it. This will protect the base from moisture – for example, that of tomatoes.
The second option: put the dough on a heated sheet pan, and then start decorating it.
Use several cutting boards
You should have at least two cutting boards in your kitchen: one for meat, fish, and game, and the other for foods that don’t require cooking. It’s necessary to prevent contamination because raw meat can contain dangerous bacteria that are only killed during cooking.
To avoid mixing them up, buy different colored boards or ones with colorful edges.