Let’s face it, we’re all very busy people. We have full-time jobs, we’re busy socialising or networking, making time for leisure activities, and some of us even have to juggle children on top of all that. So it’s no wonder why cleaning is the last thing on everyone’s to-do list. Organising everything in a single day causes great fatigue, especially when you have a larger bathroom. But the truth is, we are figuring out more and more ways to manage our time and lessen this burden on ourselves.
Today, we’re sharing some tips that will be useful to your bathroom. It can remain the sparkling clean beauty you always knew it could be. In just 15 minutes each day, you can drastically improve the look and feel of your environment. Yes, it’s a race against time, but think of it as a fun game! Let’s start the clock at 3.. 2.. 1… Go!

What You Need
Basket, bag, or box to contain clutter
Broom and mop
Trash container
Disinfectant wipes
Glass cleaner and rag
Toilet brush
Toilet cleaner
1. Gather all the necessary supplies.

Having the supplies all together at the beginning of the job is essential to avoiding distractions. Running downstairs to grab the broom might make you wonder if the mail has come yet, and when you check the mail, you might decide to file some of it. A letter might remind you to call a family member. Before you know it, the bathroom is the last thing on your mind. Stay focused on one specific task at a time.
2. Pick up all of the dirty clothes, and put them inside a hamper.

Don’t interrupt your clothes-gathering mission by throwing away trash or putting away bottles of shampoo. Don’t bother trying to turn socks right side out or unfold pant legs. Just throw it all in the hamper or basket.
3. Toss all of the trash into the trash can.
Get everything off the floor, including little bits of toilet paper, tossed-away strands of floss, and random hairballs.
4. Pick up all the items that belong in another room.
Put them in a basket, box, or bag and set them outside the bathroom for dispersal throughout the house.
5. Return items that belong in the bathroom to their proper places.

Don’t take time to reorganize the medicine or linen cabinets. Just place the items back where they belong. Leave organizing for when you have more time.
6. Use a disinfectant wipe to wipe down the sink, including the faucet and tub area.
The goal here is to get the sink and tub presentable. Wear disposable gloves to protect your skin and help you clean without worrying about what you touch.
7. Using a disinfectant wipe or spray, wipe down the outside of the toilet.
Quickly wipe down any visible dirt or grime, leaving the real scrubbing of the inside of the toilet for when you’re not limited in time.
8. Using glass cleaner or vinegar, wipe down the mirror.

Guests will probably spend the most time examining themselves in your mirror. They will inevitably notice dinginess and streaks.
9. Briefly sweep the floor, focusing mostly on the main traffic area.
If you have a Swiffer, ReadyMop, or something similar, it can take just a few seconds to mop.
Tips for Cleaning a Bathroom
If you turn these steps into routine maintenance for the bathroom, each 15-minute cleanup will go a lot faster.
Having all your bathroom supplies for this job stored together can make the job easier. If you have to hunt all over the house for supplies, you will eat away your time and make the job take much longer. However, be cautious about storing dangerous chemicals where children or pets can reach them.