Housecleaners enter the most private areas of your home which means they know all of your secrets. Check out the secrets they see but won’t share.
Laura Richards
Housecleaners are well aware when you’re one stack away from an episode of the A&E show Hoarders. And it may be time for an intervention if your oven is overflowing with appliances and dishware says Stapf. Many friends and family have no idea that you have a hoarding issue but your housecleaner will.

True age revealed!
A bathroom cabinet stocked with beauty products and anti-aging creams reveals your commitment to self-care and remaining youthful, so it’s likely that you might be a few years older than you’re leading on. Keep it up—it’s working!

A raise, huh?
Whether it’s new fancy clothes, upgraded furniture or the latest entertainment system, cleaners are in-the-know about your spending habits. Home upgrades are the first tell-tale signs of a promotion or raise at work says Stapf.

Online shopping addiction
Housecleaning expert Diane Regalbuto, owner of Betty Likes to Clean in Philadelphia and South Jersey, shares that housecleaners know about your online shopping addiction because they clean closets and see the packaging in the trash or recycling bin. There’s no hiding that!

Derailed diet
Leanne Stapf, vice president of Operations for The Cleaning Authority says if you’ve stocked the pantry and refrigerator with lean proteins and greens, but the staff happens to spot multiple fast food bags in the trash, they’ll draw the conclusion that you’ve fallen off the weight-loss wagon.

Your vices
Stapf shares that a trail of cigarette buds, nail clippings, and crumbs in the couch cushions are sure signs of a smoking habit, an avid nail biter, and someone who opts for a more comfortable dinner spot over the standard dining room table.

Wealth can’t hide filth
Regalbuto has seen it all over the years, including a high profile and wealthy individual who had blood and urine stains all over the mattresses; the home was incredibly dirty overall. A person comes across as super clean and pulled together, but the housecleaner will know otherwise.