Vinegar in the Tank
Old is gold, and using vinegar is as old school as it gets. Vinegar is non-toxic, biodegradable, and leaves behind a pleasant clean scent. Vinegar is multipurpose and available everywhere, which makes it a convenient choice. Just pour some white vinegar into the flush bowl to give a thorough rinse each time someone uses the toilet. Due to its sanitizing nature, vinegar will absorb all odor-causing bacteria.
Classic DIY air fresheners
Air fresheners have been around for quite some time, and rightfully so. They never fail to disappoint with their efficiency. Moreover, they are available for cheap and do not need constant monitoring.

Clean your Shower curtain
We are guilty of this one too. Shower curtains are the least looked upon bathroom accessory. They are often forgotten in lieu of cleaning and scrubbing away at other surfaces.
Remove them every once in a while, to rinse them out with a cleanser. This will get rid of any underlying odors that may be present due to continuous usage. If you’re too lazy to get them off their hooks, then use a spray bottle to spritz some disinfectant on, and let it wash away in the shower itself.
Add some plants
Plants are best air purifier. It will not work to make the stink go away, but it will help clean the air. This will make the bathroom air healthier than you ever got. Bring plants that can thrive without sunlight. Pothos, spider plant or snake plant is almost impossible to kill.
It’s embarrassing if your guests get stinky smell and judge you. Bacteria causes stinks build up. If your bathroom is not smelling good, then bacteria is living there. This atmosphere is not good for your health.
Clean Your Toilet Scrub
Toilet scrubs work away hard at cleaning every other grime but are hardly cleaned themselves. Colonies of bacteria can build up deep inside them if left unnoticed.
An ingenious way to keep them sanitized is to fill up a cylinder with disinfectant and let the scrub rest. This will make sure that the scrub is deodorized between uses and does not contribute to the skunk.
Toilet bombs
Move over bath bombs, toilet bombs are the next fad. These bombs are easy to make and leave your bathroom smelling fresh. Pop a few in the seat and they will eliminate the odor at its root.
These work in a jiffy and deodorize the entire space. Moreover, making these bombs can also be a great evening project for kids.
DIY Reed Diffuser
These mason jars not only look pretty but can also help to combat odor. Plus, they are refillable and will last a long time. All you have to do is place it in a safe area and enjoy the aroma wafting about as you take a shower. The best thing is they are made of biodegradable materials, so count it as a win for your senses and the environment.
Get rid of Musty Towel Stink
Bathrooms are extremely humid, and if not aired out can become suffocating. Towels placed in bathrooms can also acquire a musty smell after some time. Always air out these on a sunny day or throw them in for a wash every now and then. You will immediately notice a vast difference in how your bathroom smells.
Ready to make the switch to a much pleasant-smelling bathroom? Go ahead and try out any of these as per the time you have on your hands and let us know which one you tried in the comments below.
The Toilet Paper Diffuser
Getting rid of stink has never been this easy. To gain maximum advantage from your toilet paper, just put a few drops of essential oils on the inside of the toilet paper roll.
The moment someone uses a toilet paper, the air from rolling of the roll will flow across the oils making the atmosphere smell fresh and amazing.
The choice of essential oil is completely your own. The best thing is there are no side effects as Essential oil has its own unique benefits. Tea tree, lavender, or even jasmine, this hack makes your toilet paper doubly effective.
Odor banishing spray
There is a major difference between your daily household sprays and those meant for the bathroom. Normal sprays only cover up the stink, they only act as a mask over the real concern. Bathroom sprays, on the other hand, get rid of the bacteria that create these odors.
This leads to a fresh bathroom that is not overladen with fragrance particles.
Odor-eating Discs
Odor banishing discs are easy to make, efficient, and quick to show results. Just place them in the bathroom to make it smell amazing. You can make them in various shapes and sizes, depending upon the extent of use. Furthermore, they require only 10 minutes to make and can be set in batches.
Most of the ingredients required to make some might already be lying around your house itself.
Eliminate the Silent Culprit
Sometimes, even after all the scrubbing, wiping, and washing, the smell lingers. One of the most common causes of this stink is the areas hidden from plain sight. The wall behind the toilet is one such neglected place.
To reach there, grab some disinfectant and a thin brush. Douse the brush in the cleaner and wipe away. Your bathroom will thank you.
Before you go Spray
Having friends over a Christmas party? Or another Sunday brunch gathering? You’d be glad either way to have a toilet spray on hand. The Poo Pourri before you go spray can prevent odor before it even takes root. These sprays kill the bacteria on the spot, which leaves no time for them to spread.
It gives you the complete reign over the process and is fairly inexpensive.
Air freshener 2.0- Gel-based
If you’d not disturb the aesthetic value of your bathroom by placing cubes of air freshener, look at this. These are gel-based fresheners built with unscented gelatin and some essential oils.
To up the ornamental value, you can play with food coloring and decorative trinkets as well. These are not only cute to look at but will make your bathroom smell amazing as well. They are also spill-proof, so you’re saved from accidental knock overs.
source: offbeatbros