Here’s how to clean everything in your kitchen, from sponges to Instant Pots—and when it’s time to replace them.
Lauren Pahmeier
Cleaning a Cast-Iron Skillet
Cast irons have the potential to endure a lifetime (literally). That is, if you take proper care of them. Knowing how to clean a cast-iron skillet will help it last that long, if not longer—but proper care is slightly more difficult than with other pans.
After you’ve finished cooking that chocolate chip skillet cookie or one of our other cast-iron skillet recipes, rinse the pan to remove any food remnants. If necessary, combine a small amount of soap with the hot water. (Hopefully, you won’t need to do much more than that, but if you need, you can always re-season the pan.)
Then, rinse and dry it before adding a little coat of oil with a paper towel to enhance the seasoning. Though it’s unlikely, you should replace your cast iron when it has chips or cracks in the surface.

How to Clean a Sponge
Sponges are dirty—like, really dirty. However, we use them everyday to clean our dishes—which is why it’s all the more important you keep your sponge clean.
When it starts to smell or has a stain, clean your sponge with bleach or vinegar, or put it in the dishwasher.

How to Clean a Nonstick Skillet
Although certain nonstick pans can be washed in the dishwasher, you should generally avoid doing so to preserve them in good condition for as long as possible (a nonstick pan should last about 5 years before you need to replace it). If washing your nonstick cookware with warm, soapy water doesn’t remove stains and sticky food, try filling the pan with baking soda and water and putting it to a simmer on the burner. You should be able to easily remove the stuck-on food from there.

How to Clean a Water Bottle
If you’re the type to bring your reusable water bottle with you wherever you go, you know that musty smell it can accumulate over time even if you wash it regularly.
To clean a water bottle you’ve been using a lot, fill the bottle with a water and white vinegar mixture and let it sit overnight. Then, wash it with hot soapy water in the morning and you should have a bottle that feels (and smells) good as new.
However, you’ll need to replace your reusable water bottle every so often depending on what material it’s made of. If you can’t get rid of the musty smell, now is the time. Otherwise, you should replace your plastic water bottle about once a year.

How to Clean a Cutting Board
Deciding the right way to clean a cutting board depends on what kind of board you have. There are different methods to use for wood or bamboo boards versus nonporous ones.
While you can toss your nonporous boards in the dishwasher, don’t even think about it when it comes to wood. The water will cause wood or bamboo to warp and crack. (By the way, here are more things you should never clean with water.) Instead, make a solution for your bamboo and wooden boards with bleach, kosher salt and lemon, or vinegar to clean and disinfect at the same time. Condition them every month for extra credit!
When they’re splintered, warped, cracked or too grooved, it’s time to pick up some new boards.
Test Kitchen Tip: Make it easy on yourself by getting a plastic board specifically for your raw meat and a different one for everything else.

How to Clean a Microwave
Is there more tomato sauce on the top of your microwave than on your pasta? (Hint: A microwave cover and other microwave cookware can help prevent that.)
The best way to clean a microwave involves an ingredient that you definitely have on hand: water! Just grab a microwave-safe bowl and fill it up halfway. Microwave it for 4 to 5 minutes, and when it’s done, let it sit in there for 3 to 4 minutes to really get steamy. The steam will loosen anything stuck on the ceiling or walls of your microwave and you’ll be able to wipe it out much more easily than before.

Blender Cleaning Instructions
There’s a quick technique to clean a blender that requires no more effort than blending your pureed butternut squash soup.
Simply add hot water and dish soap to the blender and run it as usual, and the blender will handle the rest. After rinsing and drying, it’ll be ready for your next soup or smoothie. Just make sure to wipe down the base with a moist towel to remove any dribbles that may have hardened.

How to Clean a Refrigerator
Your refrigerator is probably one of the things you haven’t cleaned in a long time, although it’s an appliance that’s in use constantly. It’s worth it to completely empty out your refrigerator every once in a while in order to make the inside sparkling clean (this is also the perfect time to go through your groceries to check they’re all still fresh enough to eat).
Detach all of the removable shelving and drawers and soak them while you wipe down the inside of the fridge with dish soap and water. After you’re done washing everything, don’t forget to wipe down your stainless steel door to get rid of fingerprints and grease.

How to Clean a Toaster
We wouldn’t be surprised if you’ve never cleaned your toaster, but it is better late than never. (Here are more things you probably haven’t cleaned in a long time—if ever.) Start by emptying out and cleaning the crumb tray. Make sure the toaster is completely cool and unplugged, then take a toothbrush to scrub the coils.

How to Clean a Dish Towel
Ideally, your kitchen towels should be washed every few days, so it’s important to know exactly how to wash dish towels. Our Community Cooks recommend that you first soak your towels in an OxiClean and water solution. Then, wash them in the laundry with similar colors (you can add some vinegar to get rid of any smells). Make sure to dry them in the dryer right away.
When you can’t get rid of the smell in a dish towel, it’s time to get a new one.

How to Clean a Grill
It’s imperative to clean your grill grates and racks after each meal so that the flavor from those ribs doesn’t carry over when you decide to try one of these grilled desserts!
While a wire brush is a classic option when it comes to cleaning your grill, there are plenty of other options to choose from. You can use a balled-up piece of aluminum foil, a nylon scouring pad, or half of an onion (the enzymes will break down grease on their own). Deeper cleaning solutions include soaking the grates in vinegar or ammonia. Learn about more ways to clean a grill without a wire brush.
The cleaner you keep your grill grates, the longer you’ll be able to keep them. As soon as metal grates have rust that flakes off as you grill, you should think about replacing them because you don’t want to end up eating that accidentally.

How to Clean an Instant Pot
What can’t an Instant Pot do? This kitchen appliance can help you cook anything from hard-boiled eggs to flan to French toast, plus dozens of other recipes you didn’t know you could make in an Instant Pot.
Baking soda is an easy fix for getting stuck-on food off the metal insert of your Instant Pot. When you’ve got grime to get rid of, combine 3 tablespoons of baking soda with 4 cups of water in your Instant Pot and set the pressure cook time to 5 minutes with a natural pressure release. When it’s done, the food will be floating in your pot.