One careless movement can leave unsightly scratches on your favorite belongings. But there’s no need to despair or to throw the damaged object away. You can easily deal with shallow scratches by using common household substances.
Today we present a selection of useful tips to help you protect various surfaces from damage and make any object shine like new!
Glass surfaces
To remove or disguise minor scratches on glass surfaces, use one of the following methods:
- Put some toothpaste (without granules or whitening effect) onto a cotton pad or a piece of cotton cloth, and gently rub it into the glass surface using circular movements for about 10 seconds. Remove traces of toothpaste with water.
- Applying a thin layer of vegetable oil onto a microfiber cloth or a cotton ball and gently rubbing it into the surface for a few seconds helps to temporarily get rid of shallow scratches. You can achieve the same effect by using a small amount of Vaseline.
- Make your own polishing paste by mixing ordinary baking soda with a small amount of water. Apply to the glass surface, and then wipe the scratched area using a piece of cotton or wool fabric. Gently remove any excess paste with a damp cloth.
- Windshield polishes can also be effective in eliminating scratches on glass surfaces. Just follow the instructions, having previously made sure that the product’s chemical composition is suitable for this particular type of surface.
Leather items

Scratches on leather surfaces are very common. If the damage is not too serious, you can easily repair it at home.
- Take some vegetable or baby oil, and apply it to the scratched surface using a cotton swab. Rub the oil into the surface in circular motions, and then allow it to dry. Wipe the oil residues with a clean cloth. If necessary, repeat the procedure.
- Another way to disguise scratches on a leather surface is by using nail polish. Select a polish of a color that matches the color of the leather, and apply a small amount to the damaged area with a toothpick.
- You can also remove scratches with the help of a special leather wax. Alternatively, you can use ordinary beeswax (for instance, gathered from a candle). Heat the wax, and apply it to the scratch. Wipe the damaged surface with a flannel cloth. Mask the wax treatment marks by painting them over with a marker or shoe polish of the shade that matches the leather.
Wooden surfaces

- If you’re dealing with scratches on dark wood, iodine is sure to help. Dilute it with water, and apply the solution to the damaged areas using a cotton swab. If necessary, finish off by coating the scratches with varnish.
- Another option is to take half a walnut kernel and rub it over the damaged areas. When the scratches darken, wipe them with a cloth, then coat with a colorless varnish.
- If a wooden surface becomes cracked, it can be restored to its original look using mayonnaise. Put some of this product on a cotton ball, apply onto the cracked area, and, having removed excesses, leave it on for 2-3 days. The wood will swell a little, causing the cracks to close up.
Plastic surfaces

And here are a few tricks that’ll help you remove scratches from plastic surfaces:
Defects on smooth plastic surfaces can be concealed by means of an ordinary hair dryer or heat gun. Set it to minimal power, and direct the stream of hot air along the length of the scratch. If necessary, increase the temperature until the marks begin to disappear. Wait 10-15 minutes, then polish the surface to render the scratches totally invisible.
Car polishes can also be effective in restoring scratched plastic objects. Remove any dirt from the damaged area, then apply the product. Finish off by buffing the surface with a soft lint-free cloth.
Metallic surfaces

Since there are many different types of metallic surfaces, varied approaches may be required for their restoration. To get rid of scratches on jewelry, it is best to use the services of a professional jeweler. On the other hand, damaged stainless steel surfaces can successfully be dealt with at home.
- Scratches on brushed stainless steel can be eliminated with a nail buffer block.
- Alternatively, you can use the abrasive qualities of an ordinary whitening toothpaste. Apply it to the damaged area, and rub with a soft-bristled brush or a soft cloth along the texture of the metal. Wipe off any leftover toothpaste with a clean wet cloth.
- While experimenting with any of the above methods, keep in mind that none of them will help to eliminate deep scratches. In such cases, it is better to consult professionals or to replace the damaged product.