Keep your windows closed
We all love to enjoy a cool breeze floating through our homes, but at what cost? Along with that breeze comes pollen and other particles from outside, and then you’re left wondering how to get rid of the dust. Simply keeping the windows shut in the first place will eliminate a lot of it
Wash your pillows regularly
Ready for a gross fact? Your pillows are probably crawling with dust mites, because they love to feast on dead skin cells. They’re so small they’re invisible, but hundreds can live in just one gram of dust. To get rid of dust and dust mites, wash your pillows at least three times a year in hot water.

Mop hard floors often
Obviously, floors get dusty, especially those harder to reach areas like baseboards and under furniture. If possible, mop your floors daily. Vacuum floors first (sweeping mostly just moves dust around rather than eliminating it), then mop with hot water.

Beat rugs
Rug fibers are a breeding ground for dust. For small and medium-sized rugs, take them outdoors and give them a good shake. This will release most of the dirt and dust. To take it a step further, hang the rug over a railing and beat it with a broom or rug beater to get rid of even more dust.

Have a “no shoes” rule
Even better than wiping off your shoes before you enter? Implementing a “no shoes” rule inside your house. Shoes track in dust, dirt, and bacteria. Get rid of the shoes and you also get rid of a lot of dust. It can be awkward to ask guests to take off their shoes, but if you keep a cute cabinet or rack of shoe shelves near the front door, hopefully they’ll get the hint on their own.

Invest in an air purifier
Dust particles float through the air of your home until they find a place to land, like on carpeting or upholstery. By using an air purifier, you can trap those dust particles before they have a chance to settle. Be sure to get one with a true HEPA filter which, according to the EPA, can remove at least 99.97 percent of dust, pollen, mold, bacteria, and any airborne particles with a size of 0.3 microns.

Don’t forget the ceiling
Have you looked up at your ceiling lately? It’s probably not on your radar, but the ceiling needs a good dusting every once in a while. You can grab a ladder and use the soft brush attachment on your vacuum. Or another method is to attach a microfiber cloth to your broom using a rubber band and get to work!
Use a Doormat
Any time someone enters your home from the outside, they track dirt, and small dirt particles are what leads to dust. Get doormats for both the outside and inside of your home. The best doormats are the ones with bristles on top, which can trap dirt from traveling into your home.
Be sure to regularly vacuum and wash your mats so the dirt and dust don’t build up.
Improve Pet Care
Dead skin cells and dead hair are a major source of dust—and unfortunately, our furry friends produce a lot of hair! Groom pets regularly to help keep dead skin and hair from accumulating. As a bonus, you and your pets will feel better too. Keeping kitty’s litter box covered will also help hold down the dust.

Forgo Carpeting
Getting rid of carpet might seem like a drastic measure, but carpeting holds an awful lot of dust—and releases it into the air every time you take a step. If you are thinking of redecorating, consider installing some type of hard-surface flooring: wood, tile, stone, or vinyl are all good alternatives to carpeting and much easier to keep dust-free!

Blinds Need Cleaning Too
Don’t think that you’ve solved your dust dilemma just because you’ve exchanged fabric window treatments for blinds. Dust is drawn to blinds like moths to a flame, so you should clean them on a regular basis.

Bag It
Stray cotton and polyester fibers from clothes, bedding, and pillows can be a major source of dust. The solution to both closet clutter and drifting dust particles is to put things in bags. There are a variety of space-saving, vacuum-seal bags available in home specialty stores, but even some good old-fashioned garment bags will help cut down on dust from clothes and fabrics.